🌿 The Superfood from the Sea: A Nutritious Delight and Environmental Savior 🌊

🌿 The Superfood from the Sea: A Nutritious Delight and Environmental Savior 🌊

🌿 The Superfood from the Sea: A Nutritious Delight and Environmental Savior...
by Desiree Dupuis
Seaweed and Kelp environmental benefits

How does seaweed (Kelp) help the planet?

Q: How does seaweed help the planet? A: 🌿 The Marvelous Environmental...
by Desiree Dupuis
sustainable seaweed snacks, BC grown seaweed

The Most Powerful Environmental Guardian = SEAWEED

🌍 The Most Powerful Environmental Guardian 🐠 Here are the top 5...
by Desiree Dupuis


The crew here at Kove believes in creating a better world. We all...
by Desiree Dupuis
health benefits of BC seaweed, seaweed snacks

Unveiling the Remarkable Benefits of Seaweed: A Treasure from the Deep

Seaweed, the marine plant that thrives in our vast oceans, has long...
by Desiree Dupuis
True Reconciliation in Action: sourcing seaweed from BC First Nations

True Reconciliation in Action: sourcing seaweed from BC First Nations

Along the pristine coastline of British Columbia, the ocean is inspiring opportunities...
by Desirée Dupuis